Our analytics team provides our platform with the most interesting and informative written analytics. We are especially interested in conducting research on development issues facing Armenia.
The project identifies the most current issues in Armenia and the Armenian world through impartial and thorough study and develops analytical materials describing the situation, problems and main solutions on these topics, creating a social contract between the Armenian Government and Armenians all over the world.
20 reports in four languages
approx 3 000 readers
from 30 countries
The Futures Studio Discussion Platform hosts discussions with various experts on current relevant topics, including the future of Armenia and the Armenian world.
Under the Futures Studio project, we engage various members of the society in open debates and private discussions about business, politics, economics, culture, education and healthcare to shape regional agendas. We use our extensive network to attract best knowledge from around the globe and actively disseminate the results of our work. Connecting intelligent people from different walks of life leads to progress.
More than 150 in online and offline formats in three languages, about burning and current issues effecting the future of Armenian world (Politics, Culture, Diaspora, Artsakh, Economics, Education, Security, etc.).
30 000 average number of unique views a week after for each discussion.
500 experts & 60 moderators engaged for 1.5 years.
Diasporas all around the world: Armenia, USA, Russia, Lebanon, UK, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, Australia, Georgia, Canada, Israel.